Release Notes and Legacy Installers

Release 12.1.3746

  • 🛠️ Fixed SC knob issue on certain revisions of ng76.
  • Added Pro Tools automation shortcut (MAC: cmd/opt/ctrl , WIN: alt/win/ctrl) to Slint-based plug-ins (_PROMETHEUS/_HYPERION/ngBusComp/ngTubeEQ).
  • Implemented several minor GUI bug fixes.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v12.1.3746.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v12.1.3746.exe

Release 12.1.3715

  • 🛠️ IMPORTANT Bug Fix for ngTubeEQ: Automatic MUTE activation in DUAL and MS modes where the parameter link is disabled has been addressed.
  •  _HYPERION Recall Update: The recall of gain values, specifically 0.08 dB in 5dB mode, is now properly handled.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v12.1.3715.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v12.1.3715.exe

Release 12.1.3712

Introducing the New ngBusComp Plugin NEW

  • 📊 Advanced Metering: Dive into more dynamic and precise measurements with our newly enhanced Metering GUI.
  • 📉 Live Gain Reduction Visualization: Monitor and tweak dynamics in real time, essential for mastering and mixing tasks.
  • 🔗 IRON Link Dual-Control: Seamlessly adjust both the IRON and Make Up gain through the GUI or directly on the hardware for optimal saturation control. Activate IRON-LINK on the hardware by simultaneously touching the Make Up Gain and IRON PAD encoders.
  • 🖥️ Flexible, Resizable, and Rescalable GUI: Customize the plugin interface to match your setup for better usability and accessibility, with options to resize and rescale as needed.
  • 🎚️ Refined External Side Chain: Now apply any of the five existing side chain filters to the external side chain input—a feature previously unavailable. This enhancement allows for greater flexibility and precision in signal management.
  • 🚨 Visual Feedback for IRON Mode: The ngBusComp’s middle panel turns red when IRON mode is activated, providing clear visual confirmation.

Additional Updates

  • 🔗 IRON-LINK for ngTubeEQ: Now accessible from the hardware. Activate by touching both the OUTPUT and IRON PAD encoders.
  • 👂 ngTubeEQ Enhancements:
    • In LISTEN MODE, the THD encoder can now be released for more intuitive control.
    • When the THD knob is pressed in dual or MS mode with PARAMETER LINK disabled, it acts as a channel SOLO, muting the other channel.
  • 🛠️ Bug Fixes: Various minor improvements and bug fixes to enhance overall performance and stability.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v12.1.3712.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v12.1.3712.exe

Release 12.0.3661

  • Update for ngTubeEQ: Listen Mode Correction – We’ve addressed an issue where engaging Listen Mode in specific low frequency/high frequency shelf configurations inadvertently altered the analog circuit settings.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v12.0.3661.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v12.0.3661.exe

Release 12.0.3630

  • ngTubeEQ plug-in and firmware support. NEW 
  • Few minor bug fixes.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v12.0.3630.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v12.0.3630.exe

Release 11.1.3575

  • _RHEA – firmware issue when in some rare cases Threshold potentiometer stops to work disabling the compression has been fixed.
  • Some issues with _PHOEBE recalls while the DI mode is active have been fixed.
  • Some minor fixes for _HYPERION firmware VCA settings on some border values.
  • Another correction for wrong font behavior fix for _HYPERION and _PROMETHEUS in some rare cases for OSX.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v11.1.3575.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v11.1.3575.exe

Release 11.1.3500

  • Wrong font behavior fix for _HYPERION and _PROMETHEUS in some rare cases for OSX.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v11.1.3500.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v11.1.3500.exe

Release 11.1.3438

  • Split screen feature for _HYPERION and _PROMETHEUS in MS and DUAL modes added.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v11.1.3438.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v11.1.3438.exe

Release 11.1.3427

  • Mouse wheel (scroll) suppport added for _HYPERION & _PROMETHEUS plug-ins.
  • Windows 11 crash with some Radeon graphic cards has been corrected.
  • Few other minor bug fixes.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v11.1.3427.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v11.1.3427.exe

Release 11.0.3392

  • Few Minor bug fixes:
    • The output modification via InfoBox (text input) has been corrected for the 5dB mode on _HYPERION.
    • The context menu for the band “dot” has been properly fixed for OSX, including the “gain invert,” “disable,” and “enable” operations.
    • There’s been a recall correction for _HYPERION when one channel was set to 5dB mode and the other to 15dB mode.
    • The PT initial scaling issue on Windows has been resolved.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v11.0.3392.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v11.0.3392.exe

Release 11.0.3387

  • 🎛️ EQs Plugins: Entirely new design & implementation for _PROMETHEUS and _HYPERION DAW PLUG-INS.
  • 🎨 EQs Plugins: Built from the ground up on a fresh GUI framework.
  • 🔍 EQs Plugins: Adaptable with scalable and resizable dynamics.
  • 🔄 EQs Plugins: Engineered on the potent SLINT – a cross-platform framework.
  • 📊 EQs Plugins: Comprehensive metering overhaul.
  • 🔊 EQs Plugins: In stereo mode, the left channel masterfully orchestrates both analog channels.
  • 🔄 EQs Plugins: Experience dual mono with Parameter link for cohesive operations.
  • ⚠️ Note: We’ve phased out 32-bit support for Windows.
  • 📌 Free Update: Available now for all our users, inclusive of both standard and Eclipse versions.
  • 🚀 Enhanced stability and optimized performance.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v11.0.3387.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v11.0.3387.exe

Release 10.0.3239

  • Phoebe line gain automation correction for AAX.
  • ng76 ratio change during power cycle fixed.
  • _HYPERION memory management improvements.
  • _CALYPSO digital queues correction.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v10.0.3239.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v10.0.3239.exe

Release 10.0.3120

Release 10.0.3111

  • ng76 plug-in and firmware support. NEW 
  • Few minor bug fixes.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v10.0.3111.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v10.0.3111.exe

Release 9.1.3031

  • New GConManager design. NEW 
  • New GConManager Plug-in Selector application – allows to select plug-in types and products to be installed. NEW 
  • New GConManager Plug-in Support application – automated steps to report software problems to the development team. NEW 
  • New RHEA meter calibration procedure (Please check our FAQ section).
  • Few minor bug fixes.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v9.1.3031.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v9.1.3031.exe

Release 9.0.2866

  • Pro Tools Parameter LINK recall has been corrected for ngBusComp and ngLeveler.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v9.0.2866.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v9.0.2866.exe

Release 9.0.2862

  • Pro Tools crash caused by GUI release has been resolved.
  • Wavelab 11 crash has been resolved.
  • Few other minor bug fixes.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v9.0.2862.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v9.0.2862.exe

Release 9.0.2847

  • _PHOEBE instrument gain corrected when HiZ is engaged from LINE level mode.
  • Phantom power engaged with small delay in some scenarios.
  • Hyperion and Prometheus high resolution GUI bitmaps added for higher rescalling.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v9.0.2847.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v9.0.2847.exe

Release 9.0.2844

  • _PHOEBE plug-ins and firmware. NEW 
  • Minor bug fixes.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v9.0.2844.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v9.0.2844.exe

Release 8.1.2782

  • LEDs power is slightly lowered for all products,
  • LEDs brightness when touch sensitive encoder is modified is lowered.
  • LEDs brightness of touch sensitive encoders is configurable via GConManager _CONFIG application with following options (HIGH / MEDIUM / LOW / OFF). Where “OFF” will disable higher brightness entirely when the parameter is in edit mode. NEW 
  • _PROMETHEUS firmware bug for newest revision which caused relay to randomly click during parameter updates has been corrected.
  • Windows installer is properly signed with an authorized microsoft certificate which should prevent any system warnings during installation.
  • _PROMETHEUS and _HYPERION channel buttons double click toggles MUTE.
  • Red squares problem on non-retina displays on OSX systems with Radeon 560/580 is fixed.
  • _RHEA encoder’s implementation has been corrected to dynamically adjust to move speed

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v8.1.2782.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v8.1.2782.exe

Release 8.0.2760

  • ngBusComp plug-in metering bug fix,
  • ngBusComp plug-in metering gain reduction is visualized in Pro Tools MIX view.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v8.0.2760.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v8.0.2760.exe

Release 8.0.2731/8.0.2747

  • OSX – M1 native support (M1 arm architecture) NEW
  • GUI rescaling – from 100% to 200% available for all plug-ins via MENU NEW
  • New Software notification periods configurable in _SETTINGS application (Never / Once a week / Once a month / Instant).
  • _RHEA / _HYPERION / _PROMETHEUS – keeping the front panel bypass button pressed for 3 seconds resets the parameter to default.
  • _RHEA THD change doesn’t cause artifacts on a high level anymore.
  • _RHEA – MIX level compensation which prevents output to raise between DRY and WET settings – for units on field, it is necessary to explicitly enable that settings in GConManager _CONFIG application – as it changes the level on some settings it will change output level for some session recalls.
  • _HYPERION front panel improvements – HPF parameter is manageable via front panel without a plug-in. To toggle HPF ON or OFF – either push and hold HPF knob for 2 seconds, or double push it.
  • _HYPERION front panel improvements – keeping any GAIN knob pushed for more than 2 seconds sets the GAIN of a particular band to 0. Double push of any GAIN encoder makes the gain opposite.
  • OSX installer is properly signed with an authorized apple certificate.
  • OSX – 32 bit architecture has been dropped.
  • OSX – Oldest supported system is OSX Yosemite (10.10).

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v8.0.2747.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v8.0.2731.exe

Release 7.5.2682/7.5.2683

  • Maintenance build – support for new PCB revisions for few products.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.5.2683.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.5.2682.exe

Release 7.5.2627

  • _DIONE Ukraine GUI – special faceplate to suport Ukraine! #StandWithUkraine NEW
  • _RHEA – correction for disabled compression under certain circumstances.
  • _HYPERION & _PROMETHEUS – maintanence update which contains new firmware for newest PCB revision.
  • Few minor bug corrections for ngLeveler (e.g. channel names update).
  • _MIMAS high resolution calibration shift correction for some PCB revisions.
  • ngBusComp new calibration mechanism for better stereo levels setup.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.5.2627.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.5.2627.exe

Release 7.4.2603

  • Config Banks Feature NEW
    • New automation parameter which allows to recall whole unit state based on the location in DAW session.
    • Very useful in mastering/mixing situation when more than one song is processed in one session.
    • Main advantage is that we can freely modify any parameter (including A/B/C presets) in particular section of the song or a session.
  • _PROMETHEUS and _HYPERION Hardware mute – very useful in M/S mode when one channel can be entirely muted during MidSide processing.NEW

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.4.2603.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.4.2603.exe

Release 7.3.2599

  • _RHEA – fix for innactive threshold potentiometer after reboot in certain parameter settings (effect: unit didn’t compress, threshold was set to MIN on analog circuit) – this fix solves this problem entirely.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.3.2599.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.3.2599.exe

Release 7.3.2580

  • Prometheus ADC thresholds corrected due to output meter beeing triggered without any signal passed through.
  • _HYPERION new PCB revision support.
  • Upgrade procedure improved.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.3.2580.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.3.2580.exe

Release 7.3.2563

  • Support for new projects revisions due to design changes.
  • Threshold update fix for _DIONE / _RHEA / ngBusComp for newest revisions.
  • ngLeveler external controller integration bug fix.
  • ngBusComp plug-in faceplate is less dark.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.3.2563.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.3.2563.exe

Release 7.3.2526/7.3.2524

  • GCon background processes don’t cause a warning on OSX when Firewall is enabled.
  • ngBusComp plug-in faceplate is less dark.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.3.2526.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.3.2524.exe

Release 7.3.2521

  • Minor bug correction – _DIONE starlight plug-in automatic detection.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.3.2521.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.3.2521.exe

Release 7.3.2518

  • _DIONE Starlight plug-in – only available for _DIONE Starlight hardware! NEW
  • _RHEA – Side chain parameters are named properly in plug-in implementations,
  • Wavelab crash fix,
  • ngBusComp Ethernet stability improvements,
  • _MIMAS Bug for randomly enabled digital Side Chain has been corrected,
  • Minor bug corrections.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.3.2518.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.3.2518.exe

Release 7.3

  • _RHEA plug-in! NEW
  • A lot of Ethernet stability improvements for ngBusComp.
  • Upgrade application stability improvements.
  • Minor bug corrections.

Release 7.2

  • MIMAS plug-in with a lot of new improvements and features: NEW
    • Entirely re-designed metering on the Hardware and in the plug-in GUI with much higher resolution.
    • New plug-in GUI.
    • Clearly selectable modes in GUI:
      • Compression ON – normal FET compression mode,
      • Saturation mode – now with TRIM control and re-designed gain staging,
      • Compression OFF – Compression circuit completely disabled – only INPUT and OUTPUT knobs are active, which allows to use unit as saturation box (Same behavior as ATACK at OFF possition in original UA 1176).
    • Ratio buttons can be engaged in any combination – Either with “Shift” pressed or via “HOLD” button.
    • VU IN and OUT headroom is clearly described in plug-in GUI:
      • Input meter shows signal up to 21 dBu.
      • Output meter shows signal up to 26 dBu.
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: Firmware upgrade due to extended gain reduction resolution may end up in minor meter decalibration – if any LED on the meter section will show gain reduction without any signal present on the unit, please follow this article to calibrate: .
  • _DIONE Eclipse GUI – for _DIONE limited version with black faceplate. NEW
  • ngBusComp minor firmware corrections.

MAC – v7.2.418: WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.2.2418.dmg

WIN – v7.2.418: WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.2.2418.exe

MAC – v7.2.401: WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.2.2401.dmg

WIN – v7.2.401: WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.2.2401.exe

MAC – v7.2.2379: WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.2.2379.dmg

WIN – v7.2.2379: WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.2.2379.exe

MAC – v7.2.2369: WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.2.2369.dmg

WIN – v7.2.2369: WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.2.2369.exe

Release 7.1

  • ngLEVELER – new features: NEW
    • TRIM mode.
    • Channel Grouping/Linking.
    • Channel selection.
    • a lot of improvements in Mackie Control integration.
  • Minor bugs correction

Release 7.0.2279

  • Minor bug fixes and stability improvements.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.0.2279.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.0.2279.exe

Release 7.0.2267

  • ngBusComp plug-in. NEW
  • Minor bug fixes and stability improvements.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.0.2267.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.0.2267.exe

Release 7.0.2222

  • ngLEVELER plug-in. NEW
  • HUI integration with GCon devices – available for ngLEVELER as new GConManager application. NEW
  • Multiple applications can now access GCon devices connected through USB.
  • _GConBlackBox plug-in is deprecated and has been removed from the deployment.
  • New Tray application which monitor software incopatibilities between host application and firmware of the devices.
  • Minor bug fixes and stability improvements.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.0.2222.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v7.0.2222.exe

Release 6.1

  • _CALYPSO plug-in. NEW
  • _HYPERION Gain Mode parameter can be unlinked in Dual mono or MS mode.
  • Minor bug fixes and stability improvements.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v6.1.1930.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v6.1.1930.exe

Release 6.0

  • _PROMETHEUS plug-in (mono and stereo). NEW
  • New preset management NEW
    • for each plugin – new menu for each plugin for easy access to factory and user presets.
  • Factory presets! NEW
  • Minor bug fixes and _TITAN stability improvements.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v6.0.1751.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v6.0.1751.exe

Release 5.1

  • New standalone application for OSX and Windows: NEW
    • GConManager _MANAGE application can work in standalone mode allowing to control and recall hardware units.
    • Application can store settings in separate workspaces.
    • Designed to support situations where DAW or plugins can’t be used for some reason.
    • Very usefull in live situations.
    • MIDI mapping for better integration with live consoles:
    • Each GCon parameter can be mapped to certain MIDI message.
    • Each previously created workspace (snapshot of all connected elements) can be mapped to certain MIDI message.
  • OSX Mohave improvements.
  • Minor bug fixes.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v5.1.1725.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v5.1.1725.exe

Release 5.0

  • _HYPERION plug-in. NEW
  • _MIMAS new STEREO plug-in: NEW
    • implementation, which allows full control over two units.
  • _DIONE GUI redesign. NEW
  • Copy presents (A/B) from a front panel, to copy a preset: NEW
    • hold preset button you would like to copy for 3 seconds (it will start blinking) and release the button,
    • push the same button to cancel operation, or the other preset button to copy preset settings.
  • _DIONE and _MIMAS metering improvements, especially on low gain reduction levels.
  • A lot of stability improvements and bug fixes.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v5.0.1497.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v5.0.1497.exe

Release 4.1

  • _TITAN DHCP support: NEW
    • It is enough to connect _TITAN directly to router (with DHCP enabled),
      to manage modules inside your network – no additional configuration is needed.
  • Minor software/firmware corrections.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v4.1.1225.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v4.1.1225.exe

Release 4.0

  • _GConBlackBox plugin: NEW
    • ONE plugin which connects to ALL available GCon compatible modules (even from other Vendors).
    • Plugin works in background and saves parameters of all connected devices.
    • Each time session is recalled, all devices are set up accordingly.
    • Any plugin which will connect on top of _GConBlackBox, synchronizes parameters to current state.
    • DAW automation features are not supported, however any device specific plugin can connect on top of _GConBlackBox.
  • Front panel A/B buttons are active when unit is paired with the plugin.
  • Plugin parameters are synchronized to hardware current state upon connection. NEW
  • Memory auto synchronization: NEW
    • When plugin disconnects from hardware unit, current state of parameters on hardware unit will syncronize with plugin, and previous state will be overwritten.
    • This feature can be enabled/disabled in GConManager “SETTINGS” application.
  • Each plugin contains new “menu” button which allows: NEW
    • copy/paste current parameters state between configurations (A/B/C). This function works also between different plugin instances.
    • Current plugin memory can be written to hardware (Available when memory auto synchronization is disabled).

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v4.0.1092.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v4.0.1092.exe

Release 3.3

  • Hardware A/B preset change has been fixed on _MIMAS.

Release 3.2

  • _TITAN stability improvements.
  • AAX DSP configuration has been improved to support resources sharing between DSP chips.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v3.2.994.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v3.2.994.exe

Release 3.1

  • Support for AAX DSP (HDX platform) – Note that Digital Side Chain feature won’t work. NEW
  • MAC OSX – correction on some specific MAC hardware that only 7 devices could be connected using front panel USB connection.
  • Some minor improvements.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v3.1.966.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v3.1.966.exe

Release 3.0

  • _Titan support. NEW
  • Each module can right now use alternative LEDs mode. This can be easily switched using module front panel, by keeping bypass button for 2 seconds. New “Single Led Indication” mode enabled just one LED per knob. NEW
  • “Dynamic Led Mode” (default mode) has been dimmed and improved for all available modules.
  • A lot of minor bug fixes.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v3.0.938.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v3.0.938.exe

Release 2.1

  • All plugins suppoort AAX/VST2/VST3/AU formats. NEW
  • _DIONE plugin NEW
  • _MIMAS saturation MODE: NEW
    • can be activated keeping RATIO hardware button for more then 1 second, or using Plugin inside DAW,
    • transforms _MIMAS compressor into saturation (drive) unit using very pleasing and loved transformer sound,
    • new mode of operation disables all other parameters (knobs & buttons) keeping one DRIVE knob activated,
    • output level is normalized to match Bypass, to easily compare sounds,
  • New standalone application GConManager which allows: NEW
    • Firmware upgrade and Firmware version checks,
    • Change of unit ID for easier management.
  • Pro Tools integration (Mix Bypass linked with HW bypass, GR meters integrated in Pro Tools 11+, Commit track integration in Pro Tools 12.3+). NEW
  • Dynamic leds implemented in HW (leds power is lowered unless particular parameter isn’t edited from HW or Plugin itself). NEW
  • Support for all recent operating systems: OSX 10.8+ (El Capitan included), Windows 7,Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10.
  • Many fixes and corrections.

MAC – WesAudio_MACx86x64_VST_AAX_v2.1.826.dmg

WIN – WesAudio_WINx86x64_VST_AAX_v2.1.827.exe

Known issues

  • Studio One 3: VST3 Digital Side chain feature doesn’t work (it works fine for AU) issue

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